5 After 5, Top Christmas Wish List Items for Kids

If you have little ones around your house, have they already started a Christmas wish list?

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It's time for another round of 5 After 5!  In case you missed it, last week's list was favorite ways to celebrate Thanksgiving and if you're new to this series, you can read more about it here - then catch up on all the old editions here.

Today I've got my list of 5 to share, as well as next week's topic for you to stew about over the upcoming days.

And this series is a link party, so be sure to scroll down and join in all the fun with us this week!

Top Christmas wish list items for kids

Just five things? Ha! I've got no less than five slips of paper sitting next to me already with scribbled notes of all the things Gv is super-excited about for this Christmas!

The top five items will vary wildly depending on your child's age and interests, but in case you have a 4-year-old who's a little offbeat like her mama, these ideas might help you out:

1.  My Little Pony

Gv was given a knock-off pony two years ago for her birthday and while the thing has about two hairs left in its mane, it is certainly well-loved.

This past summer, however, my girl went bonkers to discover a real My Little Pony forgotten on a park bench in the middle of Charleston.

G and I thought the thing's name was "Meridee" until about a week ago, when Gv showed me the box of ponies she's hoping for in the store and I saw that it was actually named "Rarity."

Will her stable be filled this winter? We shall see.

2.  Shimmer  & Shine

Okay, I have no clue what these guys are all about -- all I know is that "Shimmer & Shine, genies defined!" -- which might not even be something they say (see "Meridee" above), but apparently Gv has been introduced to them while hanging out at the rink on the weekends.

G and I have already decided that these two fortune-granters will not be joining our household, but if by some chance the $ store has something with them on it, I'm guessing Santa might decide to sneak it into her stocking...

3.  Lego

I only remembered to dig out my old Lego bricks to hand over to Gv a few weeks ago, but she's already turned into a engineering maniac by building things with them every day.

I'm pretty sure we'll be sending a few more dollars Denmark's way this season...

4.  Disney Princess Little Kingdom dolls

My aunt gave Gv this last Christmas:

The thing went everywhere over the past year and the poor gal actually lost her head somewhere outside of Philadelphia due to the fact that Gv had traveled all those bazillion miles up to that point with only a few toys to play with in the backseat and no electronics.

She really really really really wants them ALL, which of course also means replacing the decapitated Ariel.

This ginormous set is definitely outside our budget, but we're hoping to maybe find one of the dolls on clearance somewhere or something, because it was really fun to hear Gv playing with her former mermaid in the backseat.

5.  Craft items

Gems! Glitter! Glue! Markers! Tape!

This girl loves to create, so she's hoping to re-supply her craft stash.
The good news is, between Joann's coupons and the $ store, we can probably swing a few of the sparkliest items on her list, so I'm already looking forward to seeing what Gv creates in the new year.

For next week:

Top items on YOUR Christmas list

I come from a family where we make lists for Christmas, but I don't have a single thing on my list for this year yet.

I know my parents will be asking for it soon, so I might as well get my brain thinking so I can come up with something for them soon!

I can't wait to see what you're hoping to find under the tree this year!

That's right, every post will be read, pinned and tweeted!  

Every Saturday, just stop by one of our blogs to add your own list of five, then pop over and read as many other posts as you're able to each week - treat it like a true party and really mix it up and mingle with our fun little community!

The rules are simple:  just write your own list following the prompt each week (feel free to interpret it loosely - or in a unique way!), follow both of the hosts on the social media channel of your choice, and then get into the spirit of the party by grabbing your favorite beverage or snack and reading the lists of the other party-goers.

Your Hosts:

Lisa, at Syncopated MamaFacebook // Twitter // Pinterest // Google+ // Bloglovin'
Samantha, at Motivated DaysTwitter // Pinterest // Google+ 

What's your list?  I'd love to hear!  Either leave a comment below or email me at lisahealy (at) outlook (dot) com.

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