The Doctor with an Eye for Eyes by Julia Finley Mosca

Get to know Dr. Patricia Bath -- the scientist who never lost sight of her dreams -- in this inspiring, fact-filled book!

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I received a free copy of this product from Innovation Press in exchange for writing a review.  All opinions are my own.

This second book in the Amazing Scientists Series illuminates the story of Dr. Patricia Bath -- a woman who overcame obstacles and developed a game-changing treatment for blindness!

The Doctor with an Eye for Eyes

Like The Girl Who Thought in Pictures, this fabulous biography will introduce you to an amazing woman who persevered and beat the odds -- not allowing challenges such as racism, poverty, or sexism to keep her from achieving her dreams.

Despite coming of age during the Civil Rights Movement and at a time when female professionals were an anomaly, Patricia Bath made it her mission to become a doctor.

Not only did she succeed in this goal, but she became the first woman to start an eye doctor training program, invented a new tool to remove cataracts, and created the American Institute for the Prevention of Blindness.

Dr. Patricia Bath is quite an inspiration!

Her story is presented in wonderful rhyming form and there are plenty of bright, colorful illustrations to bring the pages to life.

The book ends with a letter of encouragement for the reader, written by Dr. Bath. It's lovely to encounter such a personalized biography of a still-living subject, which allows kids to connect to her story and inspires them to always pursue their dreams.

A two-page spread follows which includes further tidbits from the author's chat with Patricia, another two-page spread displaying a biographical timeline, and a third two-page spread containing more meaty facts about Patricia's life and accomplishments.

The final pages of the book point young readers to other resources they can explore if they'd like to learn even more about this remarkable woman's life.

This book is a wonderful addition to your home library. It shines the spotlight on a unique contributor to the scientific community and does it in a fun and engaging manner.

Grab your own copy of the book here and see how one woman overcame adversity to make a difference in the world!

Had you ever heard of Dr. Patricia Bath before? I hadn't, but I found her story fascinating. What other great children's biographies do you know of for kids? I'd love to hear!  Either leave a comment below or email me at lisahealy (at) outlook (dot) com.

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