Talking with Your Kids about God by Natasha Crain

Learn how to prepare your kids for the challenges and doubts they'll face in today's world by leading them through this introduction to apologetics.

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I received a free copy of this product from Baker Books Bloggers in exchange for writing a review.  All opinions are my own.

Gv's only just starting to ask some tough questions about God, so this book arrived at just the right time:

Talking with Your Kids About God

It walks parents through 30 of the most common questions kids have about God, ranging from His existence to science to His nature and more.

I really like how each chapter builds on the one before it, so parents have the opportunity to take their time working through these topics and lay a strong foundation for their kids.

Chapters begin with answering a question, then summarizing the key points to remember.

A conversation guide follows, which is broken down into three sections: open the conversation, advance the conversation, and apply the conversation.

This aspect of the book makes it a wonderful resource for a weekly family night discussion, perhaps one that takes place at the dinner table.

An alternative idea is to work through this book with a homeschool group!

I'm looking forward to working through these issues of faith with Gv over the next few years.

You can find a copy here to add to your apologetics toolbox and continue to train up your child in the ways of God.

Do you sometimes feel like you don't have the answers to your child's tough questions about God?  I'd love to hear!  Either leave a comment below or email me at lisahealy (at) outlook (dot) com.

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