5 After 5, 2018 Goals

One of my 2018 goals will affect this link party...read on to find out how!

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It's time for another round of 5 After 5!  In case you missed it, last week's list was top 5 books you read this year and if you're new to this series, you can read more about it here - then catch up on all the old editions here.

Today I've got my list of 5 to share and don't forget that 
this series is a link party, so be sure to scroll down and join in all the fun with us this week!

List your 2018 goals

Did you see my recent post where I checked in with my 2017 goals to see how the past year went? It's always helpful to see where you've been before considering where you're headed...

This year, even Gv jumped on the goal-setting bandwagon. This post on setting goals with kids is a fun snapshot into our lives that you'll enjoy reading!

Several of my 2018 goals are related to those from 2017, but there are a few that might surprise you...

1.  Decluttering/Organizing

We made discernable improvements in this area in 2017, but I want to make either equal or better progress this year.

My main goals are to be able to use the office again and maintain sparse (meaning not much stuff in them) "public spaces." 

I'm also starting to really want to tackle some major re-organizing in the garage, but since I think that involves building a shed in the corner of the backyard, that one might not happen this year...

2.  Get Outside More

We actually enjoy outdoor activities like camping and hiking quite often -- at the very least, Gv and I take weekly hikes at a local nature preserve and then of course there's our month spent camping in the mountains each summer, but I want to integrate outside time more into our daily routine.

Now that our screened-in back porch is usable again, (Yay! The one upside to Hurricane Irma, since that provided the incentive to get everything off of it!) I'm going to try to take more of my daily activity outside, either there on the porch or on a blanket on the grass. I'm hoping that the weather will remain pleasant long enough for me to establish this habit before spiking back up to unbearable temperatures that our porch ceiling fans can't handle.

3.  Get Creative

This is a repeat-goal, but I'm really really really hoping to actually do creative things again this year and hopefully I can make progress with goal #1 so that this goal can become easier to achieve.

Specifically, I want the office to be usable so that I can set my sewing machine back up on the big desk in there and also have a good space (the light is fantastic in there!) to use all the amazing art supplies I got for Christmas last year.

I also want to get back into the habit of playing the piano and our other instruments, catch up on my scrapbooks/photo books, and work on some new, creative projects for the blog.

4.  Re-evaluate My Time

Ever since I went back to work coaching when the new rink opened last year, I've been feeling like I'll never catch up and am always behind.

I don't like that feeling.

Plus, I'd originally planned to keep things at the rink on a very minimal level -- just a few group lessons on the weekend (which quickly grew from only Saturdays to include Sundays as well) -- but I now have a handful of wonderful private students again and seem to keep adding days to my schedule...and Gv has developed a love for the ice...so I need to make some major decisions on how much time I want to devote to that and how much time I can realistically work on the blog.

As much as I enjoy all that I do here with the blog, I will be making some changes:

Although we have loved our Passport to Fun trips over the past two years, they have added a tremendous amount of work to my load (mainly the research and blog-writing aspect), so I have made the decision to halt those. (At least new trips, blog-wise, because I'm guessing we'll continue to revisit previous countries, since I've already done all the hard work and now I can just sit back and enjoy the ride.

Second, I'm letting go of the monthly commitment to The Monthly Crafting Book Club. We've really enjoyed participating in it over the past years, but I need to feel like fewer "must-dos" are on my plate, so I'm giving myself permission to take this off the list. That doesn't mean I won't join in on random months, or share random book-related crafts and activities, but I'm saying no to the monthly pressure.

Third, I'm ending 5 After 5.

Well, that's not completely true, because what I'll actually be doing is merging it with the Friday Frivolity party each week, but I'm putting an end to this dedicated post.

I still love the concept of sharing 5 of something each week, so that's why you'll see more of this over at the Friday Frivolity posts. And it won't be every week -- Friday Frivolity will still often include plenty of silly memes and video clips and such, but you'll start seeing more and more topics that are 5 After 5-inspired.

So if you've enjoyed this party (and so many of you have loved the idea and wanted to join in each week, but just haven't ever found the time!), then be sure not to miss Friday Frivolity each week, going live at 9pm, EST!

Well, even though that was just goal #4, I think that's a good place to end. I have plenty of other goals for the year and maybe I'll mention them in the future, but in order to help me get off to a good start with Goal #4, I'll sign off.

What do you think of these goals?  I'd love to hear -- and to hear your goals for the new year, as well!  Either leave a comment below or email me at lisahealy (at) outlook (dot) com.

Also, if you don't want to miss a single minute of fun around here, be sure to sign up for free updates and then look forward to having each post delivered right to your inbox!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.


  1. I love these 5! I think you are so wise to merge this party with Friday Frivolity! (Which I hope to get back to attending regularly this week.) And playing the piano more (or, ahem, at all) is one of my guiding goals for the year, too! My current project is finally learning Fernando Ortega's gorgeous version of "Jesus Paid It All" to play and sing in church. If I can pull it off, it will be a multitasking miracle. ;)

  2. So many of these should be mine too! Proud of you for honing in on your priorities even when it means hard choices!

  3. Awesome goals. Good for you! Thanks for joining the Dishing It & Digging It Link Party. Hope you found some new friends and are having fun.

  4. Good luck on your goals--they are all worthy endeavors. I'm also working on decluttering (ongoing) and spending more time outdoors. I found your post on Blogger's Pit Stop.


  5. All good goals! I think occasionally re-assessing priorities can help keep us a little more sane. :) Thanks for sharing with Party in Your PJs!

  6. These goals and changes all sound very wise. I have loved reading you passport posts and am amazed at all the great work you put into it. I think GV is a very lucky little girl.
    Blogger's Pit Stop

  7. Lisa, this post has been popular on the Blogger's Pit Stop, we will feature it on Thursday.
    Well done.
    Blogger's Pit Stop
