31 Days of Great Children's Music: Whaddaya Think of That?

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Welcome back to 31 Days of Great Children's Music!  This is the big posting challenge I'm participating in that involves blogging every day in October covering just one topic.  It's also where you'll find some super suggestions for children's songs the whole family can enjoy.  

Find the Other 30 Days Here


This album was the one that started it all - this whole search I've been on for great new children's songs.  A friend loaned me the CD with the promise that "it won't drive you nuts," and I was hooked.  Off I went to discover if other fun music like this existed.

One of my favorite songs is ABCD Medley.  I just love how she weaves The Alphabet Song together with Row, Row, Row Your Boat and Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star.

My other favorite is probably These Are My Glasses.  Besides being about reading, I just love how she includes sound effects for opening and closing her book.  When I put my glasses on in the morning, I hear this song in my head.


  • Role-play being dinosaurs and stomp around the house to the song We Are the Dinosaurs.  
  • Take a field trip to the airport.  Ours has a free tour you can sign up for, but even if yours doesn't, you can wander around and watch planes take off and land.  Before you leave, make a note of the different arrival and departure locations.  When you get home, plan a pretend trip to one of those locations and talk about what it would be like to fly there (The Airplane Song.)  Don't forget to "pack" your suitcase (Bring Your Clothes.)
  • Make paper snowflakes while listening to I'm a Little Snowflake.  See these instructions for how to do it or these for creating a 3D version.
  • Play clever games using rubber chickens (& pool noodles) with the help of this book:

To Read

Dinosaurs, chickens, and Autumn are just a few of the subjects you can connect to with songs on this album.  Here are some to get you started:

More Music

Just a few of Laurie Berkner's other albums:

Whaddaya Think of That

Best of the Laurie Berkner Band

Ultimate Laurie Berkner Band Collection

Laurie Berkner Lullabies

Have you heard of Laurie Berkner already?  After seeing how many different albums she's created, I suspect most of the world is already aware of her charm.  I'd love to hear - leave a comment or email me at lisahealy (at) outlook (dot) com.

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