Children's Art History Books to Really Get Excited About!

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Although we haven't done it since Gv was born, G and I have always loved visiting museums around the world and having the chance to see famous works of art up‐close.  

Luckily, our local art museum holds a free admission night once a month, which has enabled us to see some fantastic traveling exhibitions (like the recent one featuring Miró) that have come through and so Gv has already gotten a small taste of what's (hopefully) to come when we resume our travels in the future.

In the meantime, I knew I wanted to find some great art books to tide us over.  I found lots of great options out there, but they all seemed geared for an older reader and while Gv still enjoyed looking at all the colorful pictures, I wanted something I could read to her that would engage her a bit more.

After doing a little searching, I came across a series of books by James Mayhew.  I immediately requested every single copy that my library system had and we've been enjoying them all for the past couple of months (gotta love having three library cards and being able to renew titles!)

These are books that Gv will cart around and beg me to read, over and over and over, for hours at a time each day.  Usually, reading the same book a bazillion times in one sitting will drive me batty, but I have to say, I enjoy going through these books each time, just as much as she does.

One reason I love them is because it's just really cool to see a work of art referenced and know that you've seen it in person:  

A page from Katie & the Mona Lisa, showing Botticelli's Primavera (Uffizi Gallery, Florence)
 Another reason is that every time I read one of these books to Gv, I discover something new that's hidden away in the background:

If you look closely, you can see Van Gogh's Starry Night hanging on the gallery wall behind the little Breton girl on the left.  The author doesn't mention this or call attention to the picture, it's just there for you to discover on your own.  I love that, and these books are filled with backgrounds of other famous works of art just like this. (This is a page from Katie & the Sunflowers)
I love the overall concept of the story lines, where Katie and her grandmother are visiting a museum and while Granny takes a little nap, Katie finds herself in the art, interacting with the painting's characters, and experiencing delightful adventures:

In Katie's Sunday Afternoon, she climbs into a Seurat painting to cool off, but accidentally tips the frame and water comes gushing out into the museum!  She and a little boy from the painting must figure out how to clean up the mess.
In Katie Meets the Impressionists, she gathers some flowers for Grandma in a Monet painting, but then appeals to Girl with a Watering Can (Renoir) for help in saving the wilting bundle.
Finally, I love how Gv is already so familiar with many of the characters and works of art in these books.  She'll point out Mona Lisa on each page of the book about the Italian Renaissance and I daresay if we were to twitch our noses like Samantha or Tabitha and find ourselves standing before the actual Mona Lisa, Gv would recognize and name the work immediately. 

Katie is dressed in red in every book, so Gv easily points her out, as well:

Our collection of these fabulous stories are all just on loan from the library, but even though we've got more books than square feet in our house and not really the budget to buy more, I'm seriously considering hunting down some copies of these to own.  

I should also make sure to tell you that I'm not being asked to review these books at all (but maybe the author will see this post and send some complimentary copies our way ‐ hint, hint); we've just really fallen in love with them and I wanted to spread the word about how great they are.

You can find Katie books on the following topics:

Italian Renaissance
Impressionists & Monet
PostImpressionists & Van Gogh
British Artists
Spanish Artists

Besides gallivanting about amongst amazing art, Katie also has adventures visiting sites in two areas of Great Britain, which is great for families like us who love to travel:

London at Christmas

Would you like to introduce your child to the world's greatest art while reading fun adventure stories at the same time?  Check out these Katie books and let me know if you enjoy them as much as we do!  I'd love to hear - leave a comment or email me at lisahealy (at) outlook (dot) com.

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Comments (14)

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Thanks for your post. Love it!
1 reply · active 503 weeks ago
These books are really just SO fun, Michelle! I hope you get the chance to check them out. Thanks for stopping to say hello!

Subject: Syncopated Mama - New comment on: Children\'s Art History Books to Really Get Excited About!
I've never seen these books - what a wonderful learning experience, for both of you!! xx
1 reply · active 503 weeks ago
I'd never seen them before this, either, but they are just so much fun! Thanks for saying hi!

Subject: Syncopated Mama - New comment on: Children\'s Art History Books to Really Get Excited About!
Such a lovely ideas to share with kids. How I wish my parents do that when we are young. Will check kate's books. Thank you for sharing it with us #pintorials
1 reply · active 503 weeks ago
Glad you enjoyed the ideas, Eileen! The books are just so great, I hope you get a chance to check them out. Thanks for taking a moment to say hello!

Subject: Syncopated Mama - New comment on: Children\'s Art History Books to Really Get Excited About!
I majored in art in college and I WISH that my parents or even my high school teachers would've instilled the importance of artists and their work. I've never heard of these books before so I will have to check them out! Thanks for sharing over at Merry Monday, hope to see you again tomorrow night!
1 reply · active 501 weeks ago
Oh, I bet you will just LOVE these books, Chelc! You'll have to stop back by and let me know what you think, after you have a chance to check them out. Thanks for stopping by to say hello!

Subject: Syncopated Mama - New comment on: Children\'s Art History Books to Really Get Excited About!
These are great ideas for kids! Thanks for sharing at the #HomeMattersParty.
1 reply · active 501 weeks ago
I wish I'd discovered these books when I was still in the classroom, but I'm just glad I found them when Gv was still small so that we can enjoy them for years and years! Thanks for taking a moment to say hello today, Brittanie!

Subject: Syncopated Mama - New comment on: Children\'s Art History Books to Really Get Excited About!
We have 3 of these in our home library and love them too!!! Visiting via Awesome Life Friday :)
1 reply · active 501 weeks ago
Hooray for another family that loves these books! Which ones do you have? Thanks for stopping by to say hello!

Subject: Syncopated Mama - New comment on: Children\'s Art History Books to Really Get Excited About!
We have some of these Katie books too. You might want to check out Laurence Anholt's series on artists. We have enjoyed them quite a bit also.
1 reply · active 418 weeks ago
Yay for another Katie fan! Thanks for the tip about Laurence Anholt's artist books! We've enjoyed several of them, as well, but I'm glad you let me know, in case we hadn't heard of them! So happy you stopped by here today, Jen, and hope to see you here again soon!

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