Parents Rising: 8 Strategies for Raising Kids Who Love God, Respect Authority, and Value What’s Right by Arlene Pellicane

In a world where parenting can sometimes seem like a losing battle, this book provides 8 essential strategies for leading kids through the murk and mire of our ever-changing culture.

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When I heard about this book, I knew it would be one you, my faithful readers, would appreciate:

So many of you have asked questions about navigating the parenting journey in today's society as well as how to raise happy, obedient kids without turning them into colorless automatons.

This book can be just the resource you've been looking for.

Whether you're parenting toddlers or teenagers, are single or married and contemplating kids one day, or even just work with kids and are bothered by all of the child-is-the-center-of-the-world behavior you encounter so often, this book will provide you with simple, practical strategies to help set proper boundaries while still allowing the unique personalities to fully blossom.

Author Arlene Pellicane (who has written numerous parenting books already, including this one she co-authored with Gary Chapman) enables parents to return to the intended leadership role in their homes by focusing on strategies for dealing with 8 cultural trends families are facing today:

  • Social media and other addictive technology that provides kids with endless amusement, which erodes character
  • The obedience reversal, where kids are in charge and parental obedience a thing of the past
  • The absence of boundaries for kids today -- even the most free-range children need some routine and consistency in their lives
  • The lack of discipleship in today's home -- in a world where everything gets farmed out to an "expert," this is one area where parents need to take more responsibility
  • Marriages placed on the back burner when children arrive
  • The disappearance of shared mealtimes, causing the health of the family to suffer
  • The focus on "quality time" over quantity, when what children really need is to just have you present
  • Babying children and aiming to be their friend, instead of parenting in a way to help launch them into autonomous adulthood 
Each strategy has its own chapter and at 164 pages, this book is a quick, easy read that won't take up too much time -- a feature that probably every parent will appreciate!

In addition to the discussion group questions presented at the end of the book, each chapter concludes with three helpful ways to put what was read into practice: a reflective question for parents, a related prayer, and a practical action step to follow.

If you could use some help in figuring out how to deal with children in today's world (and who couldn't!), then grab a copy of this book. The short time it takes to read it will be worth it as you rise up and make the most of the moments we have to influence our children to love the Lord and shine!

Could you use an easy resource like this to help navigate the parenting journey?  I'd love to hear!  Either leave a comment below or email me at lisahealy (at) outlook (dot) com.

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