Grow, Candace, Grow by Candace Cameron Bure

From its glittery cover to its alliteration-filled text, this book will help young minds bloom with the joy of spring!

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I received a free copy of this product as a member of Zondervan's Z Blog Squad in exchange for writing a review.  All opinions are my own.

Written by Candace Cameron Bure, this second book in the Candace series ushers in spring with a burst of color:

The story centers around little Candace, who convinces her teacher that the class should plant a garden to celebrate spring.

When all the work is finished, she finds it extremely difficult to remain patient while waiting for the blooms to burst forth from the soil.

Figuring that since a little water is helpful, a lot should speed things up even more, Candace "helps" things along...

She is devastated to learn that the garden is ruined because of her actions and sets about rectifying the situation.

With a little more patience the second time around, the class is overjoyed to discover that a beautiful flower garden awaits them, full of not only bright flowers, but fluttering butterflies too.

While this book provides plenty of enjoyment from the cute story and illustrations alone, what I appreciated most was the opportunity to discuss with Gv the example Candace displays of how to go beyond just saying "I'm sorry" when you do something wrong, but to also use your actions to make the situation better as well.

This title is another wonderful addition to your spring seasonal book collection -- pick one up here to share with your own mini-gardeners and teach them an important life lesson along the way!

Do your kids struggle with the "making it right" consequence of poor choices?  I'd love to hear!  Either leave a comment below or email me at lisahealy (at) outlook (dot) com.

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