Moving Beyond Anxiety by David Chadwick

Through these pages, you'll learn that God's Truth is the most powerful antidote to anxiety!

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This book was in the works long before a pandemic-centered life took over our days, but its current release seems entirely providential:

With anxiety struggles reaching epidemic levels all over the globe, author David Chadwick steps in and equips readers to defeat worry and fear forever by immersing themselves in the truth of God through Scripture.

Chadwick actually began writing this book a couple of years ago, when anxiety was beginning to be exposed as an epidemic negative emotion that was one of the major causes of teen suicide.

As a therapeutic counselor and pastor for the past 40 years, Chadwick is dedicated to sharing the message that Jesus is the key to overcoming anxiety. After all, he writes, Jesus commanded His followers to trust in Him and not be anxious, rather than give in to fear.

To do this, the author uses Scripture as a base for changing the way readers think and therefore, changing the way they feel and act. The book shares 12 ways to do this, including caring for your health, singing, developing an eternal perspective and getting good teammates. (Chadwick was a UNC Final Four basketball player, as well.)

As I shared in a recent post, this subject is certainly not one that is foreign to me, and I love all the practical ways the author shares to trust God and exercise faith daily. Chadwick also fills the pages with about a zillion of my favorite Bible verses, all related to anxiety and worry.

I don't know about you, but I'd sure like to have victory over anxiety -- whatever level it's at in your life -- and this quick-paced book will help you achieve that through a re-focusing of your mind and behaviors.

I zipped through the book so fast the first time, gleaning so much encouragement from its pages, but am now crawling through the text at a snail's pace, trying to implement these thoughts and practices into my daily life.

I'm even considering taking the 12 strategies from this book and centering my prayer time around them throughout the year -- one for each month!

This book is also a fantastic resource for parents, because the Appendix, "Faith is More Often Caught Than Taught," is crucial for any worrier out there who is raising a family!

Although not everyone struggles with anxiety at the level that I do, it seems like something almost all the people I know are dealing with at least a bit these days. 

I highly encourage you to lessen your fears with the help of this title. Grab a copy here and start soothing your soul right away.

Do you like the idea of working to eliminate your anxiety over the next year like I'm planning to?  I'd love to hear!  Either leave a comment below or email me at lisahealy (at) outlook (dot) com.

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