Talking with Your Kids About Jesus by Natasha Crain

Help give your children an understanding of how to make a case for & defend their faith in an increasingly secular world!

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I received a free copy of this product from Baker Books Bloggers in exchange for writing a review.  All opinions are my own.

When this book arrived, I experienced a bit of deja-vu:

A few years ago, I'd reviewed this title and was looking forward to working through the book's chapters together as a family in our nightly prayer time.

Despite the book's appeal, it got set aside for "later" since we were already in the midst of our Advent readings, followed by Christmas readings, then Lent seemed to sneak up on us faster than normal {grin}...

Needless to say, books were piled on top of books (just a few books are floating around here, you know!) and Gv might have been well into her teen years before I discovered it again.

But then this new title arrived and reminded me of the author's previous work, which led me straight to the pile to dig out that other treasure.

I realize now that our nightly family prayer time is just not the best for working through something like this. We have a resident expert who will forever be suggesting a never-ending list of other things to read and pray through, so it's probably better for me to introduce Gv to these concepts in a book like this during the day.

The cool thing is, this new title arrived at the perfect time, because as we were finishing up our current homeschooling "year," Gv decided that instead of having me read the daily Bible stories to her, she'd rather just do it on her own so we could have more time for me to read other books aloud. 

(She has so many story Bibles that she loves to work through that it was taking up most of our learning time together just to read them--and my voice was so worn out by the end that I'd postpone reading from our current classic read aloud until that never-reached "tomorrow!")

So, I will now add this new title to Natasha Crain's previous one and we will work through them both over the course of the next year(s).

I most likely will do one chapter a week and will read through the main text of each one myself while Gv does her daily Bible reading. Then we can spend some time with all the great conversation starters located at the close of each chapter.

Since both books are organized in the same way, it will be easy to seamlessly implement both into our schedule.

Gv's only 7, so I'm not expecting our discussions to get super-deep right off the bat, but with the way her brain works, I can easily see being surprised at some of the take-aways she gets from our sessions.

I feel so positive about providing Gv with a little introduction to apologetics this coming year!

Talking with Your Kids About Jesus walks parents through essential topics on Jesus's identity, teachings, death, and resurrection. Each chapter clearly explains what skeptics are saying and provides a concise, easy-to-understand response (in a friendly, parent-to-parent voice) that you can discuss with your child and tailor to any age.

Chapters are sequenced in a curriculum-oriented way, which will be a great help to us as we begin incorporate the book into our daily learning time.

You can find a copy here to add to your apologetics toolbox and continue to train up your child in the ways of God.

Have you started delving into the realm of apologetics with your kids yet?  I'd love to hear!  Either leave a comment below or email me at lisahealy (at) outlook (dot) com.

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