
Creation Week Cooking

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I'm going to continue to tease you a bit longer before divulging what my first week's Latticed Learning framework is like, but today I'm sharing another fun activity that Gv and I did to go along with our focus on the Creation Story in the Bible.

Besides adding something to our "Creation Box" each day, we also ate something specific to correspond to the day of creation we were learning about.  As you'll see, we scattered the meals throughout the day, and here's what we ate:

Day 1

The anticipation built all through the day before we finally devoured black and white cookies for dessert, to represent the darkness and light:

As you can read here, I'd never had these before, but thought they were just the perfect treat to start our week of special culinary creations off right.

Day 2

Since this day was all about God separating the waters, we held a water-drinking challenge.  We kept extra cups of water out on the kitchen counter (which is in the middle of our house) and every time we passed them by, we had to drink them down and fill them back up again.

It worked so well, I'm thinking of having a water-drinking challenge every day!  Even though that's all we drink around here anyway, it never hurts to drink more!

Day 3

I figured this day would line up really well with lunch, so I threw all of this together and roasted it in the oven...

...then I piled it onto yummy slices of still-warm homemade bread... 

...and voilĂ  - trees (because that's what the asparagus looks like) and plants (the onions and garlic) on the dry land (the bread!) for a tasty open-faced sandwich that had us going back for seconds (& thirds & fourths, if you want to get technical about it!)

Day 4

Another lunch rolled around and had me making lazy gal's grilled cheese (leave the butter off the outsides and just heat the sandwich until the cheese melts) cut out with these in the shapes of stars and crescent moons.  I suppose I could have cut out a sun with the flower from my set or a biscuit cutter, but these two were fun enough:

Day 5

A dinnertime match-up had us all digging in to one of our favorite salmon recipes - made with strawberries (we love it with blueberries, too!)  Since we eat salmon once a week anyhow, it just made sense to coordinate things on this day.

Day 6

Day 6 had me creating a whimsical breakfast, in the form of a bear:

This slice of bread with banana and raisins was ridiculously easy to arrange, but don't you know it made our morning so much more fun?  I was thrilled to come up with this idea - not just because it was easy, but because I had been having the hardest time thinking of something "animal" to eat, since we don't eat meat here at home...

Day 7

I wasn't quite sure what would represent rest best, but then hit upon this idea:

It's a recipe of mine called comforting carrot onion soup and I figured, what represents rest better than snuggling up with a warm cup of tasty veggies?  I'd considered going with some chamomile tea before I thought of this idea, but that beverage always makes us so sleepy and I wanted to distinguish between "rest" and "sleep" for this day.

I've had all sorts of other ideas for food to fix for these days - even planning an entire day's food around what was created that day.  I might make this activity more involved in the future, but these tasty treats were perfect for us this year - they were a breeze to throw together and really made each day's eating extra fun!  Have you ever thought of tying in a theme like this with your meals before?  I'd love to hear!  Either leave a comment below or email me at lisahealy (at) outlook (dot) com.

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