It's time for another round of 5 After 5! In case you missed it, last week's list was 5 of your favorite office supplies and if you're new to this series, you can read more about it here.
Today I've got my list of 5 to share, as well as next week's topic for you to stew about over the upcoming days.
And if you've posted your own 5 After 5 list on your blog, I've turned this series into a link party - so be sure to get your own 5 things added below (or leave your answers in today's comments if you're not a blogger). I loved reading everyone's comments from last week and I really can't wait to see what you share today!
List 5 Things That Make You Feel Cozy
Although I was all excited about our temperatures dropping into the high 70s/low 80s at the end of last week's post, my giddiness was short-lived when the mercury shot right back up and we hit 92 degrees one day later, breaking the previous "hottest day in November" record by two whole degrees.
My favorite local weatherman, however, has predicted the possibility of a cool front in the new few days, so I will remain ever hopeful that I can actually break out a few of the things on this list:
1. A Brand-New Hooded Sweatshirt
There's not much softer than the wonderful fuzzy cloud that is the lining of a new sweatshirt. My parents brought back this wonderful gem after a cruise last year and I wallowed in its perfect warmth for months before I had to finally break down and wash the thing. (And if you were around me during that time, I do heartily apologize for whatever old-shirt-stink I must have been emitting, but experiencing utmost comfiness trumps smelling a little ripe, in my book!)
I still love the sweatshirt, but once I ran it through the washing machine, it was never the same.
2. An Afghan
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Oh, come on, you're not really surprised to see a rainbow afghan in this pile, are you? |
I went through a stage when I cross-stitched everything under the sun (guess what that everyone got for Christmas presents that year?) and that was soon followed by my crochet-everything stage, which in reality meant that I made a zillion afghans, most of which became the property of the dog.
But some of them went to my dad, who taught me that there's nothing better than an afghan for keeping you warm on a chilly evening.
Or to help you survive in a home where your mother is experiencing constant hot-flashes and dials the thermostat down to frigid levels, resulting in her sharing the house with both Afghan Man and his sidekick, Afghan Girl.
3. Flannel Sheets

I know these are completely unrealistic for a Florida gal to own, but they are just so soft and snuggly, I can't help but stretch a set on the bed the minute the calendar begins its race toward winter.
I'll even turn down the air at night, in-between semi-cool spells, just to keep enjoying them.
4. My Puffy Car-Camping Sleeping Bag
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Room for two! |
I actually have a fancy backpacking sleeping bag that is rated for colder temperatures, but I prefer this one as long as I don't have to haul it around on my back all day. Yes, it takes up about 5,000 cubic feet and a quarter of the entire tent space, but that's what makes it so wonderful. Once I draw the cord closed on its mummy-styled opening, I'm in the ideal blanket fort and almost forget that I'm sleeping on the ground.
5. My Mondor Tights
Referred to as "woolies" by anyone who knows anything, these tights are a figure skater's secret weapon. I still slip them on under my coaching pants in the wintertime, at least until I invent the next great thing, better known as personal-heater-tights, and every time I break down and wash them, I have to say a little prayer that they'll hold up for another cycle, because they just don't make 'em like this anymore.
For next week:
List 5 Character Allusions You Love
I've always loved it when television shows or movies slyly reference an actor's previous character with an inside joke. I'm planning another 5 After 5 list in the near future that will highlight those little nods that one work might make to another (I'll probably just title it Allusions to distinguish it from this one), but for next week's list, the focus will be on character allusions. You don't have to limit your list to just tv or movies, either, even though I'm pretty sure that's what all of mine are.
I can't wait to read your list!
What's your list? I'd love to hear! Either leave a comment below or email me at lisahealy (at) outlook (dot) com.
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