
5 After 5, Ways to Relax

Did you survive the past two days?  Are you coming out of your food coma yet, or did you shop til you dropped yesterday?  Regardless of what you've been up to, I'm sure these ways to relax will be a welcome addition to your weekend!

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It's time for another round of 5 After 5!  In case you missed it, last week's list was Thanksgiving traditions and if you're new to this series, you can read more about it here - then catch up on all the old editions here.

Today I've got my list of 5 to share, as well as next week's topic for you to stew about over the upcoming days.

And this series is a link party, so be sure to scroll down and join in all the fun with us this week!

List 5 ways to relax

It's a long weekend for us and after all the business of the past two days (Who am I kidding? We just sat around with our pants unbuttoned from all the turkey bloat!), I figured we could all use a little relaxation around here.

And if not now, then you'll need it over the next month of frenzy!

1.  Read a book

Big surprise, right?  I mean, it's not like we like books around here or something.

This is pretty much my favorite thing about vacations - getting to chill out and plow my way through stacks and stacks of books!

2.  Watch something

Sometimes, you just need to give your brain a chance to shut down, and I can't think of a better way to do it than to veg out on the couch in front of the ol' flatscreen.

But when I'm stressed, I don't want to watch something new. 

Oh, no.  To relax, I throw on one of my favorite movies (like one from this group, or this onethese, or thesethis list, or this one, or even this one (if it's the right time of year)) and instantly calm down. 

Whoa. I really like movies, huh?

But if my stress level is really high, I turn to one of two shows (this one and this one) and binge-watch the entire series until I'm feeling better.

3.  Play a game

I've talked about my love of games in the past and heck, I even wrote about them every day for a month, but playing them is definitely something that puts me in a mellow mood.

4.  Play some soothing tunes (preferably while reading a book)

This could range from anything classical, to hymns, to something by her or even this gal, but when I've reached my limit, you can guarantee this will be playing on a loop.

And whoo-boy, did my students know this, too - they'd hear those violin strings twanging and would immediately give me a wide berth, because they just knew that my patience had completely run out.

5.  Organize something

Seriously, this is probably my favorite way to relax.

Whenever I'm feeling stressed about something, I just go clean out my closet or re-arrange the pantry and before you know it, I'm feeling so much better!

I think this is due to several reasons: 

1) When I'm stressed, I'm usually feeling out of control, and putting things in order is the ultimate form of control.

B) Organizing is usually a task that I can complete and see progress with immediately, which is soooo satisfying.

3) Re-organizing often results in a tidier home, which is incredibly calming to me.

For next week:

List 5 chores you do every day

I've talked about my favorite and least favorite household tasks before, but now we'll be looking at the top five things you do Every. Single. Day.

I can't wait to see if you have the same ones that I do!

And now, here's this week's link party!  Two other fabulous bloggers have teamed up with me to create lists of five each week and we hope that you'll join us, too!

That's right, every post will be read, pinned and tweeted!  

Every Saturday, just stop by one of our three blogs to add your own list of five, then pop over and read as many other posts as you're able to each week - treat it like a true party and really mix it up and mingle with our fun little community!

The rules are simple:  just write your own list following the prompt each week (feel free to interpret it loosely - or in a unique way!), follow each of the three hosts on the social media channel of your choice, and then get into the spirit of the party by grabbing your favorite beverage or snack and reading the lists of the other party-goers.

Your Hosts:

Lisa, at Syncopated MamaFacebook // Twitter // Pinterest // Google+ // Bloglovin'
Samantha, at Motivated DaysTwitter // Pinterest // Google+ 
Heather Marie at Life, Love, and LasagnaFacebook // Twitter // Pinterest // Instagram // Bloglovin'

What's your list?  I'd love to hear!  Either leave a comment below or email me at lisahealy (at) outlook (dot) com.

Also, if you don't want to miss a single minute of fun around here, be sure to sign up for free updates and then look forward to having each post delivered right to your inbox!

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