An ancient prophecy. An Unbearable cost. Will the twins succeed in uniting two bloodlines?
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I received a free copy of this product as a member of Zondervan's Kidz Review Krew in exchange for writing a review. All opinions are my own.
This book is a sequel, but when it arrived Gv became so intrigued by the blurb on the book jacket, she said she couldn't wait for the first installment to come in on hold from the library and that she was just going to dive right into this second one.
Since I've spent most of my life's time in Elementary-land, I'm just now beginning to learn about some of the great young adult novels from the past several decades. Boy, I don't remember books like this when I was a kid:
This book is a sequel, but when it arrived Gv became so intrigued by the blurb on the book jacket, she said she couldn't wait for the first installment to come in on hold from the library and that she was just going to dive right into this second one.
The story follows two twin sisters as they pursue their mission to understand their unique, magical bloodline while preventing a Jets-and-Sharks-style war.
I must admit, I'm intrigued already.
Despite the fact that this story is filled with fantasy and magic (a genre Gv loves), I'm actually thinking it might be better for her to hold off reading it for a bit, since the storyline focuses on young adult-themed social issues while joining the action and intrigue with (appropriate and clean) love and romance.
I don't know exactly to what extent these themes feature in the plot of the book, but I'm guessing it's probably smarter to follow the suggested grade guidelines (7-9) and set the novel aside for a bit later for my little book fiend.
I'm fine with these topics coming up as a side-mention (like they do in Harry Potter), but there's just no reason (in my mind) to start in on the lovey-books for several years.
It can seem fine and dandy to have a child who can read just about anything written, but just because a child can, doesn't mean they should. It can be somewhat exhausting for a parent (or second-grade teacher of gifted students) to locate fabulous books that are appropriate for her child's (or student's) maturity level.
Getting off my soapbox now...
Anyway, even though I haven't had a chance to read this title myself and I've decided to hold off allowing my guinea pig to do the reading work for me, I'm pretty excited about this series. It sounds like a great choice for young adults and I love that it can potentially touch on young adult subjects without crossing the line or getting too deep into themes that just aren't appropriate for Christian readers.
If you happen to have a fantasy/magic-loving teen reader at your house, then pick up a copy of this book and its predecessor and give them something new to explore!
Have your kids read a book from this series yet? I'd love to hear! Either leave a comment below or email me at lisahealy (at) outlook (dot) com.
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