Let's Learn About The Forest, by Katelyn Van Kooten

An adorable, interactive board book that teaches children more about God's wonderful creatures while honing their powers of detection!

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I received a free copy of this product as a member of Zondervan's Kidz Review Krew in exchange for writing a review.  All opinions are my own.

I've been trying to be more mindful about the book volume in our house and have managed to pass up all the cute board books that I've been asked to review over the past few months, but when I saw this one, I just couldn't resist:

After flipping through this title, I was reminded me of these books that were so perfect to bring along to appointments when Gv was younger.

Let's Learn About the Forest follows the story of Mama Chipmunk taking Little Chipmunk to look for food in the forest, but Little Chipmunk wants to explore everything they encounter along the way.

Each adorably-illustrated spread includes a section for asking readers to locate several details in the picture as well as two fun facts about the animals that the Chipmunks meet in their journey.

So not only do you get a sweet woodland story to share with your toddler, but you get a gentle introduction to nonfiction, as well.

The story ends with Mama tucking Little into bed and thanking God for all of their blessings, making this book a perfect choice for bedtime reading!

If you like the idea of a board book containing more than just a story, then grab a copy of Let's Learn About the Forest and add some nonfiction facts and seek-and-find fun to your bedtime or waiting room waiting! 

Have you added any of these "discovery" books to your family's library yet? I'd love to hear!  Either leave a comment below or email me at lisahealy (at) outlook (dot) com.

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