White Bird Review

You forget many things in life. But you never forget kindness. Be Brave. Choose Kind. 

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Disclosure: Many thanks to Kingdom Faith Marketing Services for providing a sample of the product for this review. Opinions are 100% my own.

A deeply moving coming-of-age story and testament to the courage it takes to extend kindness and love during the harshest of times, this movie is the right story at the right time:

I was still in the classroom when this book came out, and although none of my students had yet discovered it, one of my veteran tutees had and asked to read it out loud during our time together.

If you've read it yourself (and you should, because it's fabulous!), you'll not be surprised to learn that I immediately grabbed a copy to add to my classroom library and it became one of the titles that was always sitting out on someone's desk (boys and girls alike!)

Gv came along and of course we had to read it together, but by the time we did, G had discovered the movie version (starring Julia Roberts, Owen Wilson, and Daveed Diggs!) on our public library's shelf and we were all able to enjoy the story together as a family.

Now comes the inspirational next chapter from the world of Wonder and its movement to "choose kind."

Struggling to fit in at his new school after being expelled for his treatment of Auggie Pullman, Julian is visited by his grandmother (Helen Mirren!) and is transformed by the compassionate and heroic story of her attempts to escape Nazi-occupied France during WWII.

Directed by Marc Forster (who brought us Finding Neverland, Monster's Ball, and Quantum of Solace, to name just a few of his winning titles), White Bird reminds us to be brave and choose kind.

Aside from the connection to the book, I was pretty excited to see this movie. Seeing Dame Mirren and Scully's names at the top of the movie poster grabbed my attention, but it was the trailer that sealed the deal:

If a book or show or film has Nazis in it, odds are, it's going to be one I want to experience, so when those awful soldiers popped up on the screen, I was in.

The three of us settled in with our weekly pizza to view the film and it did not disappoint (although Gv was yelling at the tv for quite a bit of the time!)

The acting was top-notch, the film quality was stellar, and the story was moving. My favorite tagline from the whole thing was: Kindness can free you, faith can save you.

So whether it's for a connection to the book, or to the actors, or to the setting, go experience this movie for yourself! 

Buy tickets today to see White Bird in theaters starting October 4th!


Have you and your family read the book Wonder or seen the movie? I'd love to hear!  Either leave a comment below or email me at lisahealy (at) outlook (dot) com.

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