It's time for another round of 5 After 5! In case you missed it, last week's list was 5 jobs you've had and if you're new to this series, you can read more about it here.
Today I've got my list of 5 to share, as well as next week's topic for you to stew about over the upcoming days.
And if you've posted your own 5 After 5 list on your blog, I've turned this series into a link party - so be sure to get your own 5 things added below (or leave your answers in today's comments if you're not a blogger). I loved reading everyone's comments from last week and I really can't wait to see what you share today!
List 5 Games You Love to Play
I've always loved games and thanks to something I recently did, our collection is now much more organized.
In this post, I shared all sorts of fun game ideas to try out, but I decided to limit my list here to those of the card-and-board sort:
In this post, I shared all sorts of fun game ideas to try out, but I decided to limit my list here to those of the card-and-board sort:
1. Phase 10
Whenever we visited my grandparents, each night of our stay would be spent with a handful of cards and hours of Liverpool Rummy, which is technically my favorite card game. However, I fell in love with Phase 10 the first time I played it - it's similar to Liverpool, but takes less time and uses just this one deck of cards, making things easier to handle.
2. Balderdash
If you're looking for some laughs and silliness with a crowd, this is definitely the game to reach for. From camping trips to family get-togethers, this game has created more inside jokes for us than just about anything else. Don your bluffing hat and see how well you can fool others when you play!
3. Trivial Pursuit
I've always loved trivia games (my dad and I would "compete" against each other each night while watching Jeopardy!), so it makes sense that I love to play this game. I'll play any version out there, but my favorite is probably this one, because it's portable. I bring it along on practically every picnic we go on!
4. Pictionary
Because of this, I have a particular fondness for this game, or rather this version of it. Perfect for holiday gatherings with the extended family, we bring just the pack of cards along with a big white board and markers to ensure a great time for the talented and artistically-challenged alike.
5. Rush Hour
Because when you're an only child, you get really geeked-out at finding games to play alone! Even though I immediately went through each of the game cards when I got this game for a cross-country road trip years ago, I find myself dragging it out to play all the time.
For next week:
List 5 of Your Favorite Flowers
I wonder how much repetition we'll see with this list? It will be interesting to find out whether they're all common choices, or of the more unique sort. Even if you're not a blogger, I hope you participate. Start thinking of your list!
What's your list? I'd love to hear! Either leave a comment below or email me at lisahealy (at) outlook (dot) com.
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Dana · 496 weeks ago
Phase 10
Hand and Foot- family favorite when my parents visit.
Pictionary - since childhood but struggle to get others to play with me.
13 - the changing wild card makes us crazy
syncopatedmama 110p · 495 weeks ago
Subject: Syncopated Mama - New comment on: 5 After 5, Games Edition
helloredds 23p · 495 weeks ago
Thanks for the reminders of some great games to play. We need to turn off the TV and pull out the games more often!
I came over on Totally Terrific today, and I'm glad to find your site. I also pinned you here:
Hope you have a blessed day~
syncopatedmama 110p · 495 weeks ago
Subject: Syncopated Mama - New comment on: 5 After 5, Games Edition
theforeverjoyfulhomeschool 33p · 495 weeks ago
syncopatedmama 110p · 495 weeks ago
Subject: Syncopated Mama - New comment on: 5 After 5, Games Edition