Sons of Thunder

Looking for something new and edgy to watch? Try this series on PureFlix!

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This mystery drama centered around a tough biker dude might not seem to be up everyone's alley, but it just might surprise you:

I'd recently been asked to explore the Pure Flix Original television series, Vindication. While at first I didn't think it was for me, I ended up getting totally drawn in to the story while binge-watching Season One and the show will be one I return to in the future as new seasons are added.

Because of that experience and the fact that now that there are so many streaming service options out there, I've concluded that the choices can sometimes seem a little overwhelming when deciding what to watch next. We still use our library  to watch shows together as a family every night and I can't see that practice stopping, but there have been times when we've been waiting on the new season of a show to come in or we finish up one show and haven't yet discovered a new one and we're stuck without something to watch. 

That's when we'll start searching for shows to stream on the internet and usually just end up either giving up or trying out a bunch of different things that just aren't a good fit (since we're just blindly searching for something and don't have a recommendation.) Sometimes it really takes a while to find a winner.

Hopefully, I can help save you a bit of time spent searching for your own gems to watch -- I've already mentioned this showshared a little about this animated one, and now I have a new option to enlighten you with. Even if one of these shows isn't exactly up your alley (remember how I wasn't gaga over one before getting sucked in?), it can still save you time by knowing what NOT to try to watch, thus freeing up your energies for exploring other options.

Today's show didn't exactly entice me with its theme - it's all about a man on out on the road, on a mission, on his motorcycle.

I'm not really much of a motorcycle gal, but after considering whether the show could have any appeal for me at all, I realized it was worth a try because I have more of a motorcycle connection that I'd first thought.

The first connection is from my childhood, because my godfather owned the Harley Davidson dealership in town. This meant that I was kept in a steady supply of fun Harley t-shirts growing up (my favorite was of Miss Piggy on a "hog") and I always loved wearing them, since they had my godfather's name plastered across the back.

In more recent years, I fell in love with the "Long Way" stories. It all began with this book, then grew even more when they put it on film. When they followed it up with this edition (both as a book and a video series), then I was even more hooked. They recently added another installment (the book will be out summer of 2022 but you can see the videos now) which led me to re-watch the whole collection this past summer before we left for our camping trip and I enjoyed them just as much as the first time.

So, once I realized that I might not mind motorcycle talk as much as I'd first thought, I decided to give this Pure Flix show a try.

Sons of Thunder is a mystery drama revolving around a combat vet who travels across the country to find the owner of a mysterious bag. Along the way, he works odd jobs, helps those God puts in his path, and tries to atone for past sins from his days in a biker club.

The first episode reminded me of this once-popular series, but thankfully with none of the trash and gore and all the other things that made that other show unfinishable for me.

It had that same, renegade feel, though, as well as basic components that G and I have always felt are necessary in a good series.

See the show's trailer here:

The individual episodes all feature a different problem/mystery for main character Simon to fix or solve, but at the same time, what it really has going for it is how it develops the overarching mystery/backstory of why he set out on this quest in the first place and feels the need to do what he's doing.

This adds a layer of complexity to the storyline that entices you to watch more.

I will say that this show is not necessarily for the whole family/younger kids. I haven't noticed anything too terrible in the episodes I've watched so far, but there are definitely some intense scenes (I just watched one where a man held a gun to his own head, so it's that kind of thing) that most families wouldn't want everyone in the house to view. Teens are probably fine, though, and I'm sure many of the individual shows could lead to some great conversations with that age group.

If you're interested in watching this show for yourself, then you can sign up for a free Pure Flix trial and get to know the Sons of Thunder world, which will prepare you for...

Sons of Thunder: Redemption, which launches on January 13th. This is a spin-off that follows another lone biker on the road, on his journey to share his faith, seek forgiveness, and encourage others on a ranch in California while scraping by from job to job and spreading the love of Jesus to those he meets. 

Here's the trailer for that one:

I've heard there was another popular biker show out there that had a pretty big following when it was on, so obviously the Sons of Thunder franchise would be right up the alley of anyone who was a fan of that one. But even if at first glance a show about motorcycle dudes doesn't seem to be your thing, give it a try and you might just be surprised to find a new show to add to your list!

#SonsOfThunderMIN #MomentumInfluencerNetwork #PureFlix

Does this seem like a show that's right up your alley? Or one that you'd have to talk yourself into trying? I'd love to hear!  Either leave a comment below or email me at lisahealy (at) outlook (dot) com.

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