Literary Critters, by Sophie Corrigan

Using whimsical art and characters, this fun new book is the perfect introduction to iconic authors for your children!

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I received a free copy of this product as a member of Zondervan's Kidz Review Krew in exchange for writing a review.  All opinions are my own.

I knew the minute I saw the cover that this book would be one I'd totally enjoy:
Gv loves these Pugtato books that I've shared before, so I knew she'd likely also enjoy this latest title by Sophie Corrigan. Turns out, my little literary-loving kid loves this book so much, she's deemed it her "new favorite!"

William Shakesbear needs some inspiration, so he goes searching for it among his Literary Critters Guild friends.

They share plenty of advice, but each one shares tips that they would use in their own writing, which never seems to be the perfect fit for Will.

Finally, he has a snooze and wakes up with the perfect topic - "A Winter-Long Dream" - and all is right in the world.

Gv and I were so tickled at all of the literary puns and nods to each author's well-known works -- it was like we were detectives trying to uncover all of the clues on each page!

If you're like us and have a house full of bibliophiles, then this fun picture book will likely be a huge hit. And if your family doesn't know the difference between Jack London and Jack Kerouac, then this book is the perfect way to introduce some of the most famous authors and their seminal works to your kids.

Grab your own copy of Literary Critters here, and have a blast discovering which critters portray many literary giants!

Will your kids have fun picking out which authors go with each animal, or will they enjoy finding out more about each one after this fun introduction? I'd love to hear!  Either leave a comment below or email me at lisahealy (at) outlook (dot) com.

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