
31 Days of Great Children's Music

Welcome to 31 Days of Great Children's Music!  This is it, the big posting challenge that I mentioned accepting a couple of weeks ago and where you'll find some super suggestions for children's songs the whole family can enjoy.  

I'm so excited to join in with Write 31 Days and blog each day in the month of October on just one topic!  This will be the landing page for each post in the series, so if you ever need to find them all listed in one place, you'll just need to head here.  

Also, if you don't want to miss a single post, be sure to sign up as a subscriber and then look forward to having each one delivered right to your inbox!  Just click on the bar at the top or the button to the left to join in on the fun.

Scroll down for Day 1
Day 2:  For the Kids
Day 3:  Beethoven's Wig  
Day 4:  Lisa Loeb's Silly Sing-Along
Day 5:  Rockabye Baby  
Day 6:  Hide 'Em in Your Heart 
Day 7:  Whoever Shall Have Some Good Peanuts 
Day 8:  The Muppet Show: Music, Mayhem & More!
Day 9:  What a Zoo! 
Day 10:  Snacktime  
Day 11:  Whaddaya Think of That?
Day 12:  The Merry Goes 'Round 
Day 13:  Sesame Street Platinum All-Time Favorites  
Day 14:  Jim Gill Sings Moving Rhymes for Modern Times 
Day 15:  Rhinoceros Tap
Day 16:  Catch That Train!  
Day 17:  Miss Ella's Playhouse
Day 18:  Meltdown 
Day 19:  Disney 
Day 20:  Classic Moments From The Bill Gaither Trio-Especially for Children 
Day 21:  Picnic Playground 
Day 22:  Schoolhouse Rock! 
Day 23:  Hear and Gone in 60 Seconds 
Day 24:  Silly Songs with Larry 
Day 25:  Sing Along
Day 26:  World Sing-Along  
Day 27:  You Are My Little Bird
Day 28:  Nicky's Jazz for Kids  
Day 29:  Here Come the ABCs 
Day 30:  Christmas 
Day 31:  Just Not Enough Days!

As I mentioned recently, Gv loves to dance.  It seems she has been aware of music from the moment she arrived and has found a way to move to the beat just after that.  I play my iPod during the day and we usually have at least one session of a mommy-daughter dance-a-thon before the day is through.

As Gv's awareness of music and her dancing skills have progressed, I've wanted to not only expose her to my favorite music, but seek out tunes specifically geared for her age and development.  I've spent the past several weeks on the hunt for the best kid's music I can find - music that not only Gv will love, but that I'll enjoy listening to, as well.

It's my goal to create a kid's music playlist by the end of this series that I would listen to even by myself.  That doesn't mean there won't be a few annoying songs on there somewhere, but hopefully they'll be scattered throughout with enough good stuff so that everyone is happy to listen.

That's why I got so excited about writing on this topic for 31 days - I've found so many good children's songs out there, I just can't wait to share them with you!

So get ready to blast those speakers over this next month as I introduce you to some of the best children's songs around - you'll be surprised at just how cool some of this music can be!

Are you tired of listening to the voice of Barney?  Do you feel you'll go berserk if you hear "Baby Beluga" once more?  Don't you wish there were some children's songs out there with a definite cool factor?  Well, there are!  In the meantime, what kid's songs top your "drive you batty" list?  I'd love to hear - leave a comment or email me at lisahealy (at) outlook (dot) com.

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  Good Tips Tuesday 
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Yes Works for Me  
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Thoughtful Spot 
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 Totally Terrific Tuesday  
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